Volume 11 - Summer 2013

You can download the issue here
Preface v
Brenda K. Wiederhold and Giuseppe Riva
The Quest for Active and Healthy Ageing: What Cyberpsychology Can Offer 3
Brenda K. Wiederhold and Giuseppe Riva
White Paper
Positive Technology as a Driver for Health Engagement 9
Guendalina Graffigna, Serena Barello, Brenda K. Wiederhold, A. Claudio Bosio and Giuseppe Riva
Critical Reviews
VR Cue-Exposure Treatment for Bulimia Nervosa 21
José Gutiérrez-Maldonado, Marta Ferrer-García and Giuseppe Riva
Sitting/Setting on a Fence: The Use of (Video)Recording in Producing Data to Study Edge Environments 26
Carlo Galimberti and Eleonora Brivio
Evaluation Studies
The German VR Simulation Realism Scale – Psychometric Construction for Virtual Reality Applications with Virtual Humans 33
Sandra Poeschl and Nicola Doering
Virtual Multiple Errands Test: Reliability, Usability and Possible Applications 38
Elisa Pedroli, Pietro Cipresso, Silvia Serino, Federica Pallavicini, Giovanni Albani and Giuseppe Riva
Validation of a Low-Cost EEG Device for Mood Induction Studies 43
Alejandro Rodríguez, Beatriz Rey and Mariano Alcañiz
Virtual Reality as a Method for Evaluation and Therapy After Traumatic Hand Surgery 48
Adriana Sarah Nica, Consuela Monica Brailescu and Rodica Gabriela Scarlet
Methodology Case Study of the Application of Haptics to Combat Medic Training Programs 53
Kenneth Gao, Brenda K. Wiederhold, Lingjun Kong and Mark D. Wiederhold
Clinical Experiment to Assess Effectiveness of Virtual Reality Teen Smoking Cessation Program 58
Kenneth Gao, Mark D. Wiederhold, Lingjun Kong and Brenda K. Wiederhold
Original Research
Psychophysiological Correlates of Flow During Daily Activities 65
Andrea Gaggioli, Pietro Cipresso, Silvia Serino and Giuseppe Riva
Designing a Serious Game for In-Field Interventions to Promote Nightlife Well-Being 70
Luciano Gamberini, Luca Zamboni, Alessandro Privitera, Gianni De Giuli, Chiara Villa and Anna Spagnolli
The Impact of Different Perceptual Cues on Fear and Presence in Virtual Reality 75
Henrik M. Peperkorn and Andreas Mühlberger
The Development of a Haptic Virtual Reality Environment to Study Body Image and Affect 80
Line Tremblay, Stephane Bouchard, Brahim Chebbi, Lai Wei, Johana Monthuy-Blanc and Dominic Boulanger
Cyberbullying in Cyprus – Associated Parenting Style and Psychopathology 85
Georgios Floros, Anna Paradeisioti, Michalis Hadjimarcou, Demetrios G. Mappouras, Olga Kalakouta, Penelope Avagianou and Konstantinos Siomos
The Impact of Internet and PC Addiction in School Performance of Cypriot Adolescents 90
Konstantinos Siomos, Anna Paradeisioti, Michalis Hadjimarcou, Demetrios G. Mappouras, Olga Kalakouta, Penelope Avagianou and Georgios Floros
Priming to Induce Paranoid Thought in a Non Clinical Population 95
Reza Giga Isnanda, Willem-Paul Brinkman, Wim Veling, Mark van der Gaag and Mark Neerincx
Drugs Don’t Work in Patients Who Don’t Take Them: Dr. Drin, the New ICT Paradigm for Chronic Therapies 100
Raffaello Brondi, Filippo Bannò, Sara Bendinelli, Christian Castelli, Antonio Mancina, Mauro Marinoni, Daniele Sartiano, Francesca Sernissi and Paolo Bongioanni
Cue-Elicited Anxiety and Craving for Food Using Virtual Reality Scenarios 105
Marta Ferrer-García, José Gutiérrez-Maldonado and Joana Pla
Assessment of Frontal Brain Functions in Alcoholics Following a Health Mobile Cognitive Stimulation Approach 110
Pedro Gamito, Jorge Oliveira, Paulo Lopes, Diogo Morais, Rodrigo Brito, Tomaz Saraiva, Marta Bastos, Sara Cristóvão, Cristiana Caçôete and Felipe Picareli
Heart Rate Response to Fear Conditioning and Virtual Reality in Subthreshold PTSD 115
Michael J. Roy, Michelle E. Costanzo, Tanja Jovanovic, Suzanne Leaman, Patricia Taylor, Seth D. Norrholm and Albert A. Rizzo
What Do Audiences Do When They Sit and Listen? 120
Ana-Despina Tudor, Sandra Poeschl and Nicola Doering
The Effect of Military Motion-Assisted Memory Desensitization and Reprocessing Treatment on the Symptoms of Combat-Related Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: First Preliminary Results 125
Eric Vermetten, Lydia Meijer, Peter van der Wurff and Agali Mert
Clinical Observations
Evaluating Virtual Reality Mood Induction Procedures with Portable EEG Devices 131
Alejandro Rodríguez, Beatriz Rey and Mariano Alcañiz
Measuring Presence During the Navigation in a Virtual Environment Using EEG 136
Miriam Clemente, Alejandro Rodríguez, Beatriz Rey and Mariano Alcañiz
Neurocognition, Presence and Acceptance of a VR Programme for Psychotic Patients: A Correlational Study 141
Mar Rus-Calafell, José Gutiérrez-Maldonado and Joan Ribas-Sabaté
Work in Progress
Contactless Bio-Behavioral Technologies for Virtual Reality 149
Pietro Cipresso, Silvia Serino, Andrea Gaggioli, Giovanni Albani and Giuseppe Riva
Evaluation of a Personal Mobile Coaching Service for Health Tracking 154
Fabiana Gatti, Eleonora Brivio and Carlo Galimberti
Cognitive Rehabilitation of Schizophrenia Through NeuroVR Training 158
Filippo La Paglia, Caterina La Cascia, Rosalinda Rizzo, Lucia Sideli, Antonio Francomano and Daniele La Barbera
Peak Provoked Craving After Smoking Cessation 163
Irene Pericot-Valverde, Olaya García-Rodríguez, Mar Rus-Calafell, Sergio Fernández-Artamendi, Marta Ferrer-García and José Gutiérrez-Maldonado
Designing Virtual Environments to Measure Behavioral Correlates of State-Level Body Satisfaction 168
Clare K. Purvis, Megan Jones, Jakki Bailey, Jeremy Bailenson and C. Barr Taylor
The COST Action on Cyberbullying: Developing an International Network 173
Peter K. Smith and Georges Steffgen
Estimation of Usefulness of Positron Emission Tomography (PET) in the Diagnosis of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders – Preliminary Report 178
D. Wojtłowska-Wiechetek, R. Tworus, M. Dziuk, A. Petrovic, S. Szymańska, M. Zbyszewski, S. Ilnicki and P. Krzesińsk