Volume 6 - Summer 2008
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Editorials 7
B. K. Wiederhold, S. Bouchard, G. Riva
A Second Life for Telehealth: Prospects for the Use of Virtual Online Worlds in Clinical Psychology 13
A. Gorini, A. I. Fasano, A. Gaggioli, C. Vigna, G. Riva
Neuropsychological Assessment of Attentional Processing using Virtual Reality 21
T. Parsons, A Rizzo
Extending the Media Equation to Emotions: an Approach for Assessing Realistic Emotional Characters 27
A. Beck, B. Stevens, K. Bard
Implementation of FACS for Synthetic Characters for Use in Studying Facial Expression Recognition by Survivors of Childhood Cancer 33
R. Hubal, N. Evens, D. P. Fitzgerald, K. Hardy, V. W. Willard, M. Bonner
Supporting Low Ability Readers with Interactive AR 39
A. Dünser
Initial Results from the ViRTICo Trial: Virtual Reality Therapy and Imaging in Combat Veterans 47
M. Roy, J. Francis, J. Friedlander, L. Banks-Williams, R. G. Lande, P. Taylor, J. Blair, M. Vythlingam, J. McLellan, W. Law, I. Patt, J. Difede, A. Rizzo, B Rothbaum
Effects of Different Virtual Reality Environments on Experimental Pain Rating in Poststroke Individuals with and Without Pain in Comparison to Pain Free Healthy Individuals 53
S. Shahrbanian, M. Simmonds
Technostress: a Research Study about Computer Self-efficacy, Internet Attitude and Computer Anxiety 61
F. La Paglia, B. Caci, D. La Barbera
Factors Affecting Cyber Café Addiction in Undergraduate Students in Taiwan 69
H.J. Yang, J.S. Lay, Y.-L. Lay
Italian Bloggers’ Stories: Their Personalities and Interpersonal Relationships Quality 77
G. Ferraro, B. Caci, F. Conti, M. Di Blasi, M Cardaci
Presence, Immersion and Cybersickness Assessment through a Test Anxiety Virtual Environment 83
P. Gamito, J. Oliveira, P. Santos, D. Morais, T. Saraiva, M. Pombal, B. Mota
The Implementation of a Graphic Mode Phenome Learning System for the Hearing Impaired 91
Y.-L. Lay, J. S. Lay, H.-J. Yang
How Ethically we Practice Online: an Exploration of Potential Online Provider Liability 97
K. Holmes
Virtual Reality Gaming 103
K. Kott, G. De Leo, K. Lesher, E. Brivio, S. Morrison
Virtual Justina: a PTSD Virtual Patient for Clinical Classroom Training 111
P. Kenny, T.D. Parsons, C.S. Pataki, M. Pato, C. St-George, J. Sugar, A.A. Rizzo
Mobile Blind Inclusion through Science Learning 117
J. Sánchez, F. Aguayo
BlindAid: a Virtual Exploration Tool for People who are Blind 126
O. Lahav, D.W. Schloerb, S. Kumar, M. Srinivasan
Customizing Pain Management Technology to Meet Child and Clinical Needs 134
K. Miller, S. Bucolo, E. Patterson, B. Kipping, R.M. Kimble
Virtual Reality on Mobile Phones to Reduce Anxiety in Outpatient Surgery 140
J.L. Mosso, A. Gorini, S. Senties, G. de la Cerda, G. López, V.L. Vaca, G. Riva
Stroke Rehabilitation using the Rehabilitation Gaming System (RGS) 146
M. S. Cameirão, S. Bermúdez i Badia, E. D. Oller, P.F.M.J. Verschure
Pain Control during Wound Care for Combat-related Burn Injuries using Custom Articulated Arm Mounted Virtual Reality Goggles 152
C. Maani, H. Hoffman, P. DeSocio, M. Morrow, C. Galin, J. Magula, A. Maiers, K. Gaylord
Abstracts from CyberTherapy 2008, June 23-25, 2008, San Diego, CA, USA 157